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Nuits mystérieuses à Lyon [5 books] (38701)
Physical 82 pieces
Copyrighted 2011
Distributor Fluency Matters (4472)
Country Canada
Language French
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Kevin used to have the perfect life. Now- dumped by his popular girlfriend- Kevin leaves for a summer in France with his best friend- and his life seems anything but perfect. Taking classes he can't understand- living with a very odd host-family- trying to get the attention of a girl with whom he has no chance- and dealing with a guy who has a dark side and who seems to be out to get him- Kevin escapes into a book and enters into a world of long-ago adventures. As the boundaries between his two worlds begin to blur- Kevin discovers that nothing is as it appears . . . especially at night! 330 Unique Words, 8,500 Total Words, Present Tense. Includes glossary.
Author Placido, Kristy
Dimensions 18 cm.
ISBN# 9781935575627
Pub. Loc. Chandler, AZ
Contents 5 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide ; 1 audio book CD.
Notes Level 1 ; Theme: Mystery
Parts 5 books ; 1 guide ; 1 CD all in a 23 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp by Kristy Placido ; Cover design by Kristy Placido ; Chapter art by Irene Jiménez Casasnovas
Added entry French adaptation & translation by Rochelle Barry
Guide Guide Included
Subjects French Readers(CK); Core French; Français (Langue); French as a second language; French language; Mystery fiction; French Resources(CK); Literature Circles(CK)
Call# LIT F MYS 8-12
Kit 1 copy
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