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| Title
Time for a change (38716) |
| Physical
| Collection
Professional Library
| Series
Take action for reconciliation
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| Synopsis
Introduces students to Indigenous cultures, perspectives,
worldviews, and historical truths as a pathway to reconciliation.
Introduces students to the idea of reconciliation; tells contemporary
stories and provides historical contexts; shares the story of
residential schools and the voices of Survivors; encourages students
to get involved, to connect, and to take action.
| Dimensions
30 cm.
| Contents
A Path Forward -How Did We Get to Today -Myth Busters -What
is the Indian Act? -The Indian Act Through the Years -Inuit and the
New World -The Power of Story -Elder Voices -My Residential School
Story -Piita Irniq's Story -Changing the Legacy of Residential
Schools -Reconciliation Matters -The Path to Reconciliation -Treaties
in Canada -Modern Treaties -Healing Arts -Finding Our Voice -the ACT
CLUB -Making Change! -Learn, Care, Do!
| Subjects
CanadaEthnic relations;
First Nations;
First contact with Europeans;
Fur trade;
Indigenous peoples;
Social action
| Call#
970.41 TIM
| Holdings
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