HGEC Library Learning Commons

Dissection kit (38737)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Dissections can be an exciting, inexpensive and memorable learning experience for students. In this kit, you will have everything students need to safely dissect, from squid or lilies from the grocery store, to owl pellets, and everything in between. Your students will be ready to explore features and adaptations that make living creatures amazing!
Dimensions 35 x 28 x 40 cm. plastic bin.
Contents 12 Cutting mats ; 12 Dissection pans ; 12 Forceps (Tweezers) and 12 scissors in plastic container ; 12 Magnifying glasses in plastic container ; Hand sanitizer (consumable) ; Skewers (consumable).
Parts 12 Cutting mats, 12 Dissection pans ; 12 Forceps ; 12 scissors ; 12 Magnifying glasses ; Hand sanitizers ; Skewers.
Subjects Biology; Dissection; Science
Call# KT 0940
Kit 1 copy
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