HGEC Library Learning Commons

Chem cubes (38739)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Chem Cubes is a class set of many different dice games, to help students understand the elements, ions and chemical bonds, at their level of understanding.
Dimensions 18 x 29 43 cm. plastic container.
Contents 2 Small instruction booklets ; 1 Teacher's guide with master copies (Blue duotang) ; 6 small plastic containers each containing 6 dice, "Chem Cubes Elements" ; 6 small plastic containers each containing 6 dice, "Chem Cubes Ions" ; Score sheet booklets (Consumable).
Parts 2 Booklets ; 1 Teacher's guide ; 12 Chem Cube containers with 6 dice each ; Score sheet booklets all in a 29 bx 27 x 50 cm. plastic container.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Science Kits(CK); Atoms; Chemical elements; Chemistry; Matter; Molecules; Periodic law—Tables; Science
Call# KT 0941
Kit 1 copy
Reference Users of this title also used:
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