HGEC Library Learning Commons

Periodic puzzles (38741)
Distributor SI Manufacturing (4467)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Teach the periodic table with this versatile puzzle allowing students to manipulate pieces to better understand elements. The board is metal to allow the magnetic puzzle pieces to stick to the surface.
Dimensions 17 x 41 x 60 cm. plastic bin.
Contents 6 puzzle boards, 47 x 32 cm. ; 6 sets of puzzle pieces in small plastic bags (118 pink element tiles, 13 cyan group/families tiles ; 1 "Periodic puzzles" guide ; 1 Activity in duo-tang "Organizing the Periodic Table".
Parts 6 Puzzle boards ; 6 sets of puzzle pieces ; 1 Guide ; 1 Activity all in a 17 x 41 x 60 cm. plastic bin.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Science Kits(CK); Atoms; Chemical elements; Chemistry; Matter; Molecules; Periodic law; Periodic law—Tables; Physical chemistry; Science
Call# KT 0719
Kit 1 copy


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