HGEC Library Learning Commons

Wave kit (38742)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Use this wave model apparatus to demonstrate the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves, and the direction energy travels.
Dimensions 31 x 40 x 60 cm. plastic bin.
Contents 1 Wave kit activity guide and lesson ideas ; 15 Books "Experimenting with light and colour" ; 1 Wave Motion apparatus with detachable 29 cm. bar ; 1 vial with 2 screws ; 15 straight rods (15 cm); 7 bent rods (assorted sizes) ; 1 Ripple Tank in box ; 7 Ripple Tank attachments in small box (1 single pin, 1 dual pin, 1 plane wave bar, 1 block, 2 short bars, 1 long bar) ; 6 V battery with 2 connecting wires and plug ; 1 Screw driver with 7 bits.
Parts 1 guide ; 15 books ; 1 wave motion apparatus with attachments ; 1 ripple tank with attachments ; 1 battery.
Subjects Earth science; Earthquakes; Physics; Plate tectonics; Science
Call# KT 0723
Kit 1 copy


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