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Here we are : notes for living on planet Earth (38757)
Physical Illustrated
Copyrighted 2017
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis This is a message from a parent to their newborn child... Our world can be a bewildering place, especially if you've only just got here. Your head will be filled with questions, so let's explore what makes our planet and how we live on it. From land and sky, to people and time, these notes can be your guide and start you on your journey. And you'll figure lots of things out for yourself. Just remember to leave notes for everyone else. Some things about our planet are pretty complicated, but things can be simple, too: you've just got to be kind.
Author Jeffers, Oliver
Dimensions 29 cm
ISBN# 9780008266165 (hc.)
Notes C.C. Personal and Social: Social Awareness and Responsibility
Parts 38 unnumbered pages
Stmt Resp Oliver Jeffers.
Subjects Careers - Exploring Possibilities(CK); Earth—Fiction; Infants—Fiction; Parent-child relationship—Fiction; Personal awareness and social responsibility; Core competency picture books(CK); Picture Books(CK)
Call# E JEF
Book 1 copy
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