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Bat citizens : defending the ninjas of the night [8 books] (38772)
Physical 48 pieces
Copyrighted 2018
Distributor Pajama Press (4184)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "Young people around the world are helping to defend one of planet Earth's misunderstood creatures. Join award-winning author and animal activist Rob Laidlaw as he introduces both bats and the young "Bat Citizens" who are working to protect them. Filled with fun facts, color photographs, and a center-gatefold bat illustration, "Bat Citizens" will inspire readers of all ages to love and defend their nocturnal neighbors"—Back cover.
Author Laidlaw, Rob
Dimensions 26 cm.
ISBN# 9781772780390
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Contents 8 books ; 1 Points of Inquiry pamphlet.
Notes Theme: Inquiry
Parts 8 books ; 1 guide all in a 15 x 28 x 40 cm. plastic bin.
Stmt Resp Rob Laidlaw
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Bats; Inquiry-based learning; Science; Wildlife conservation
Call# INQ 3-8
Kit 1 copy
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