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I'm like you, you're like me : a book about understanding and appreciating each other (38793)
Physical Illustrated
Copyrighted 2011
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Introduces children to the differences and similarities in people, from hair styles, body appearance, and family size.
Author Gainer, Cindy
Added autho Sakamoto, Miki
Dimensions 24 x 29 cm.
ISBN# 9781575424361
Notes C.C. Personal and Social: Social Awareness and Responsibility
Stmt Resp by Cindy Gainer ; illustrated by Miki Sakamoto.
TitleVartn I am like you, you are like me
Subjects Children—Psychology; Interpersonal relations; Personal awareness and social responsibility; Respect—Fiction; Core competency picture books(CK); Diversity(CK); Picture Books(CK); Sexual Health Picture Books(CK); Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity(CK); Sakamoto, Miki,—illustrator(A)
Call# E GAI
Book 1 copy
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