HGEC Library Learning Commons

Hominid skull investigation kit (38810)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis You will be provided with scale drawings of actual hominid skulls, to describe, measure and compare skulls over the course of evolutionary history.
Dimensions 5 x 43 x 56 cm. portfolio case.
Contents 1 DVD "Hominid Skull Comparison" ; 1 Hominid skull poster, 60 x 90 cm. ; 1 Hominid skull poster, 43 x 28 cm.; 23 Individual skull drawings, 22 x 28 cm. ; 3 Overheads ; 15 Protractors ; 1 QR code linked to the Hominid skull poster (digital format) ; 20 Rulers, 15 cm. ; 1 Student guide (9 pages in duo-tang) ; 1 Teacher's guide in duo-tang.
Parts 1 DVD ; assorted drawings and posters ; 3 overheads ; 15 protractors ; 15 rulers ; 1 QR code ; 2 guides all in a 5 x 43 x 56 cm. portfolio case
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Science Kits(CK); Anthropology; Biodiversity; Biology; Evolution; Paleontology; Prehistoric peoples; Social Studies; Taxonomy; Early man
Call# KT 0947
Kit 1 copy


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