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A mind spread out on the ground (38858)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "...A Mind Spread Out on the Ground is a personal and critical meditation on trauma, legacy, oppression and racism in North America. In an urgent and visceral work that asks essential questions about Native people in North America while drawing on intimate details of her own life and experience with intergenerational trauma, Alicia Elliott offers indispensable insight and understanding to the ongoing legacy of colonialism." -OCLC.
Author Elliott, Alicia
Dimensions 22 cm
ISBN# 9780385692380
Contents A mind spread out on the ground -Half breed: a racial biography in five parts -On seeing and being seen -Weight —The same space -Dark matters -Scratch -34 grams per dose -Boundaries like bruises -On forbidden rooms and intentional forgetting -Crude collages of my mother -Not your noble savage -Sontag, in snapshots: reflecting on "In Plato's Cave" in 2018 -Extraction mentalities.
Stmt Resp Alicia Elliott.
Subjects Locally Reviewed Novels(CK); Canada—Race relations; Family life; First Nations—Biography; First Nations; Indigenous peoples—Canada; Indigenous peoples—Canada—Social conditions; Racism—Canada
Call# 970.41 ELL
Book 1 copy
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