HGEC Library Learning Commons

Lailah's lunchbox : a Ramadan story (38873)
Physical Illustrated; 32 pages
Copyrighted 2015
Distributor Tilbury House Publishers (TILBURY)
Audience Primary, Junior High (PJ)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Now that she is ten, Lailah is delighted that she can fast during the month of Ramadan like her family and her friends in Abu Dhabi, but finding a way to explain to her teacher and classmates in Atlanta is a challenge until she gets some good advice from the librarian.
Author Faruqi, Reem
Added autho Lyon, Lea
Dimensions 27 cm
Edition First hardcover edition: June 2015.
ISBN# 9780884484318
Pub. Loc. Thomaston, Maine
Parts 32 unnumbered pages
Stmt Resp Reem Faruqi ; illustrated by Lea Lyon.
Subjects Islam—Customs and practices—Fiction; Islamic holidays—Fiction; Muslims—Fiction; Ramadan—Fiction; Religious holidays—Fiction; School stories; Diversity(CK); English Language Learners(CK); Lyon, Lea,—1945—-illustrator(A); Picture Books(CK); Physical and health education; Social Studies; Career Education; Language arts (Primary)
Call# E FAR
Note FER Approved.
Book 2 copies
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