HGEC Library Learning Commons

Scythe (38895)
Physical Illustrated
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Professional Library
Series Arc of a Scythe (0769)
Synopsis "In a world where disease has been eliminated, the only way to die is to be randomly killed ('gleaned') by professional reapers ('scythes'). Two teens must compete with each other to become a scythe—a position neither of them wants. The one who becomes a scythe must kill the one who doesn't"—Provided by publisher.
Author Shusterman, Neal
Dimensions 21 cm.
Edition First Simon & Schuster BFYR paperback edition November 2017.
ISBN# 9781442472433
Notes Includes a reading group guide to Scythe, and a preview of book two in the series: Thunderhead. Battle of the Books, Gr. 8/9, 2018-2019.
Parts , 18 unnumbered pages
Stmt Resp Neal Shusterman.
Subjects Death—Fiction; Homicide—Fiction; Science fiction
Book 1 copy
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