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| Title
The Chinese head tax and anti-Chinese immigration policies in
the twentieth century (39026) |
| Physical
| Collection
Professional Library
| Series
Righting Canada's wrongs
| | |
| Synopsis
The first Chinese immigrants arrived in Canada in the mid-1800s
searching for gold and a better life. But life in Canada was
difficult and the immigrants had to face racism and cultural
barriers. Thousands were recruited to work building the Canadian
Pacific Railway. Once the railway was finished, Canadian governments
and many Canadians wanted the Chinese to go away. The government took
measures to stop immigration from China to Canada. Starting in 1885,
the government imposed a Head Tax with the goal of stopping
immigration from China. In 1923 a ban was imposed that lasted to
1947. Through historical photographs, documents, and first-person
narratives from Chinese Canadians who experienced the Head Tax or who
were children of Head Tax payers, this book offers a full account of
the injustice of this period in Canadian history. It documents how
this official racism was confronted and finally acknowledged.
| Author
Chan, Arlene
| Dimensions
29 cm.
9781459404434 (bound)
| Contents
From China to Canada -Life in Canada, 1860s-1900 -Challenging
a hostile community, 1900-1939 -Canada at war, 1939-1945 -Challenges
and changes, 1945-1990 -Acknowledging the past, 1990-2006 -Epilogue:
Chinese Canadians.
| Stmt Resp
Arlene Chan.
| Subjects
CanadaEthnic relationsHistory20th century;
Chinese CanadiansHistory20th century;
Emigration and immigrationCanadaHistory20th century;
Race discriminationCanadaHistory20th century;
| Call#
971.004 CHA
| Holdings
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Reference |
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