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Rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens (39056)
Physical Illustrated
Produced 2011
Distributor Weigl Educational (2445)
Collection Professional Library
Series Government of Canada (Calgary, Alta.) (3259)
Synopsis Introduces the concept of citizenship as it applies in Canada. Covers: a definition of citizenship; citizens' rights; the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; more rights and freedoms; citizens' responsibilities; the path to citizenship; participating as a citizen; and other related topics. Includes activities and a glossary.
Added autho Hudak, Heather C.
Dimensions 27 cm.
ISBN# 9781553886808 (hc.)
Pub. Loc. Calgary
Parts 32 p.
Stmt Resp edited by Heather C. Hudak.
Subjects Citizenship—Canada; Hudak, Heather C.,—1975—-edt(A)
Call# 323.6 RIG
Book 1 copy
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