HGEC Library Learning Commons

Fact vs. Fiction - Teaching Critical Thinking Skills (39210)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Explores headlines and the news, propaganda, media and the impact misinformation on society.
Dimensions 15 x 42 x 60 cm.
ISBN# 9781564847041
Contents 1 Fact vs. fiction: teaching critical thinking skills in the age of fake news ; 1 Fake news (Cornell) ; 1 Fake news and propaganda ; 1 Fake news: separating the truth from fiction ; 1 True or false ; 1 What is propaganda? ; 1 What's the Issue? Fake News ; 6 Headlines and the news ; 1 Headlines and the news teaching plan ; 16 The Media effect ; 1 The Media effect teacher's guide ; 1 Duo tang with 2 articles: "Spotting misinformation and #fake news: 10 resources to teach students media literacy" and "Fighting the Infodemic: new strategies for news literacy" all in a 15 x 42 x 60 cm. plastic container.
Parts 28 books ; 2 guides ; 1 duo tang
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Careers - Positive Community Engagement(CK); Deception; Digital Literacy; English; Journalism; Mass media; Media literacy; Online journalism—Corrupt practices; Public opinion; Social Studies; Truthfulness and falsehood; Digital Citizenship(CK)
Call# KT 0868
Kit 1 copy


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