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Food supply [16 books] (39432)
Physical 32 pieces
Copyrighted 2014
Distributor Cengage Learning (4973)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Series National Geographic Global Issues (1794)
Synopsis "Food Supply examines the challenges of feeding a world that is home to more than 7 billion people. Every day, nearly 1 billion people go hungry. The causes of food shortages include crop failure, soil depletion, flood, drought, and poor food distribution. To address these issues, many aid groups are developing strategies to increase crop yields. Food Supply explains how different countries are meeting the challenges by using a variety of measures, from better fertilizers to improved education for farmers"—From publisher's website.
Dimensions 25 cm.
ISBN# 9780736297585
Contents 1 Teacher's guide ; 8 Food Supply Below level (Blue) ; 8 Food Supply On level (Orange).
Notes Theme: Inquiry
Includes 8 "Below Level" and 8 "On Level" books. All books have the same content except for the middle section which has different case studies for each level.
Parts 1 guide ; 16 books all in a 30 x 38 cm. plastic bag.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects English; Food supply; Inquiry-based learning; Language arts; Science; Social Studies; Social sciences
Call# INQ 4-10
Kit 1 copy
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