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Spirit bear : fishing for knowledge, catching dreams (39495)
Physical Illustrated
Copyrighted 2017
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "Spirit Bear is off on another adventure! Follow him as he learns about traditional knowledge and Residential Schools from his Uncle Huckleberry and his friend, Lak'insxw, before heading to Algonquin territory, where children teach him about Shannen's Dream. Spirit Bear and his new friends won't stop until Shannen's Dream of "safe and comfy schools" comes true for every First Nations student."—OCLC.
Author Blackstock, Cindy
Added autho Strong, Amanda
Dimensions 21 cm
ISBN# 9781775191407
Notes "Based on a true story".
Stmt Resp written by Cindy Blackstock ; illustrated by Amanda Strong.
Subjects Attawapiskat (Ont.); Bears—Fiction; Children—Civil rights; First Nations—Education; First Nations—Government relations; First Nations—Residential schools; Diversity(CK); Picture Books(CK); Strong, Amanda,—1984—-illustrator(A)
Call# E BLA
Book 1 copy
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