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Bridge the gap : phonemic awareness intervention lessons (39559)
Collection Professional Library
Series Heggerty phonemic awareness curriculum (3349)
Synopsis "Bridge the Gap is a series of systematic phonemic awareness intervention lessons for students in 2nd grade and above. The lessons can be used in small groups or with individual students who struggle to decode words automatically." -publisher's website. "Phonemic awareness, especially when working with older learners, is something that is not often part of classroom instruction or intervention. Yet, it is often the missing piece for students who struggle to decode and encode words. The lessons in Bridge the Gap were written to provide teachers, Reading Specialists, and interventionists with a simplified curriculum for teaching phonological and phonemic awareness with targeted instruction, based on student needs." -publisher's website.
Author VanHekken, Alisa
Added autho Bottari, Marjorie
Dimensions 28 cm.
ISBN# 9781947260283
Contents Part 1: Phoneme Isolation -Isolating initial, final and medial phonemes -Part 2: Blending and Segmenting -Blending syllables and phonemes into words -Segmenting words into syllables and phonemes -Part 3: Phoneme Manipulation -Adding phonemes -Deleting phonemes -Substituting phonemes.
Notes Cover title.
Stmt Resp by Alisa VanHekken and Marjorie Bottari.
Subjects Reading-remedial teaching; Vocabulary—Study and teaching; Word recognition—Study and teaching; Word skills—Study and teaching; Bottari, Marjorie,—author(A)
Call# 372.465 VAN
Book 2 copies
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