HGEC Library Learning Commons

Rick (39615)
Physical 223 pages
Copyrighted 2020
Distributor Scholastic (3166)
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "Eleven-year-old Rick Ramsey has generally gone along with everybody, just not making waves, even though he is increasingly uncomfortable with his father's jokes about girls, and his best friend's explicit talk about sex; but now in middle school he discovers the Rainbow Spectrum club, where kids of many genders and identities can express themselves—and maybe among them he can find new friends and discover his own identity, which may just be to opt out of sex altogether"—Publisher.
Author Gino, Alex
Dimensions 22 cm
Edition First edition.
ISBN# 9781338048100
Pub. Loc. New York
Notes Adrienne Gear recommended book.
Stmt Resp Alex Gino.
Subjects Asexual people—Fiction; Clubs—Fiction; Friendship—Fiction; Identity (Psychology)—Fiction; Middle schools—Fiction; School stories; Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity(CK)
Note FER Approved.
Book 1 copy
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