Primary, Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (PIJS)
Booking Library
Explore the properties and diversity of rocks and minerals, including
27 of the most common minerals mined in BC as natural resources for
our mining industry.
38 x 16 x 40 cm plastic container
1 6 x 6 tray of rainbow coloured rocks and minerals with 36 numbered
samples ; 1 6 x 6 tray of BC minerals with 32 samples ; 2 Picture
identification keys ; 1 Written key ; 1 A field guide to the
identification of pebbles ; 2 Protective foam pieces.
2 trays with 68 rock or mineral samples ; 3 keys ; 1 pamphlet ; 2 foam
pieces all in a 38 x 16 x 40 cm plastic container.