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Making words. : 100 hands-on lessons for phonemic awareness, phonics, and spelling / First grade (39708)
Physical Illustrated; 157 pages
Copyrighted 2009
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Contains 100 hands-on lessons for teaching phonics and spelling in the first-grade classroom. Introduction Lesson 1: stand (Consonants: s, t, n, d and the vowel a) Lesson 2: hands (The letter h is introduced.) Lesson 3: bands (The letter b is introduced.) Lesson 4: blast (The letter l is introduced.) Lesson 5: brand (The letter r is introduced.) Lesson 6: grand (The letter g is introduced.) Lesson 7: strap (The letter p is introduced.) Lesson 8: claps (The letter c is introduced.) Lesson 9: stamps (The letter m is introduced.) Lesson 10: rafts (The letter f is introduced.) Assessment Lessons 1-10 Lesson 11: clamps (Review the consonants: c, l, m, p, s and the vowel a) Lesson 12: hunts (The vowel u is introduced.) Lesson 13: stung (The vowel u is reviewed.) Lesson 14: spend(The vowel e is introduced.) Lesson 15: spent (The vowel e is reviewed.) Lesson 16: print (The vowel i is introduced.) Lesson 17: trips (The vowel i is reviewed.) Lesson 18: gifts (The vowel i reviewed.) Lesson 19: plots (The vowel o is introduced.) Lesson 20: stomp (The vowel o is reviewed.) Assessment Lessons 11-20 Lesson 21: think (The consonant combination th is introduced.) Lesson 22: thanks (The letters a, h, s, t, and the th combination are reviewed.) Lesson 23: shrimp (The consonant combination sh is introduced.) Lesson 24: shrink (The consonant combination sh is reviewed.) Lesson 25: champs (The consonant combination ch is introduced.) Lesson 26: chimps (The sh and ch combinations are reviewed.) Lesson 27: stack (The consonant ck combination at the end of a word is introduced.) Lesson 28: tracks (The letter a, c, r, s , and t are reviewed.) Lesson 29: tricks (The letters i, c, r, s and t are reviewed.) Lesson 30: trucks (The letters u, c, st, r, and t are reviewed.) Assessment Lessons 21-30 Lesson 31: wishing (Vowel sound for i is reviewed) Lesson 32: jumping (The letter j is introduced.) Lesson 33: kittens (Vowel sounds for i and e) Lesson 34: mittens (Vowel sounds for i and e) Lesson 35: lipstick (Vowel sound for i isreviewed) Lesson 36: blanket (Vowel sounds for a and e) Lesson 37: plastic (Vowel sounds for a and i) Lesson 38: bathtub (Vowel sound for u is reviewed) Lesson 39: shopping (Vowel sounds for o and i) Lesson 40: stocking (Vowel sounds for o and i).
Author Cunningham, Patricia Marr
Added autho Hall, Dorothy P.
Dimensions 28 cm
ISBN# 9780205580958
Contents 1 Making words: 100 hands-on lessons for phonemic awareness, phonics, and spelling book ; 1 letter strips by lesson supplement package containing: cover page, 2 instructions, 2 letter cards for teacher modelling, 30 pages of letter strips with 100 lessons, 1 word wizard, 1 word building mat
Notes "Allyn and Bacon"--Cover. Cover title: Making words. Catalogued unseen, January 2021.
Parts 1 book ; 1 letter strips by lesson supplement package all in a clear plastic folder
Stmt Resp Patricia M. Cunningham, Dorothy P. Hall.
TitleVartn First grade : 100 hands-on lessons for phonemic awareness, phonics, and spelling
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Creative activities; English language—Spelling—Study and teaching; English language—Pronunciation—Study and teaching; Phonetics—Study and teaching; Teaching—Aids and devices; Vocabulary—Study and teaching; Hall, Dorothy P.,—author(A)
Call# 421 CUN
Book 3 copies
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