HGEC Library Learning Commons

Nelson socials, teacher's resource 9 (39872)
Physical Illustrated
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis This resource provides a "customized, engaging content [that] provides complete curriculum coverage of all learning standards. Active learning is encouraged through the use of a variety of sources and inquiry-based activities. Embedded curricular and core competencies support Social Studies skills and processes. Authentic First Peoples voices focuses on learning through the First Peoples and Principles of Learning. Comprehensive teaching support has been developed for easy implementation"—Publisher's website.
Author Harte, Tara
Added autho Salomons, Elizabeth
Dimensions 28 cm.
ISBN# 9780176873783 (softcover)
Notes "Nelson Socials is a comprehensive series that helps students become active, engaged citizens with the ability to think and communicate critically, historically, and geographically. To gain a deeper understanding of their world, students are encouraged to ask questions to discover content through Curricular and Core Competencies. Authentic First Peoples voices are also infused through a variety of sources and perspectives to build ways of knowing and learning from the past and present."--Publisher's website.
Stmt Resp authors: Tara Harte, Elizabeth Salomons.
TitleVartn Socials : teacher's resource [grade] nine
Subjects First Nations—Education—Curricula; First Nations—Study and teaching; Social sciences—Study and teaching; Salomons, Elizabeth,—author(A)
Call# 300.71 NEL
Book 1 copy
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