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The mighty heart of Sunny St. James [6 books] (39958)
Physical 375 pieces
Copyrighted 2020
Distributor Little Brown and Company (4433)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "When Sunny St. James receives a new heart, she decides to set off on a "New Life Plan": 1) do awesome amazing things she could never do before, 2) find a new best friend, and 3) kiss a boy for the first time. Her "New Life Plan" seems to be racing forward, but when she meets her new best friend Quinn, Sunny questions whether she really wants to kiss a boy at all. With the reemergence of her estranged mother, Sunny begins a journey to becoming the new Sunny St. James".—from publisher's website
Author Blake, Ashley Herring
Dimensions 20 cm.
Edition First Trade Paperback Edition : March 2020
ISBN# 9780316515542
Pub. Loc. New York, NY
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide ; 1 Locally Reviewed Review.
Notes Theme: Realism
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide ; 1 review all in a 30 x 38 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Ashley Herring Blake
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Locally Reviewed Novels(CK); Friendship—Fiction; Heart—Transplantation; Mothers and daughters—Fiction; Literature Circles(CK); Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity(CK)
Call# LIT REA 6-8
Note Locally Reviewed
Kit 1 copy
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