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Verbo game: Present tense regular -er verbs (39983)
Copyrighted 2012
Distributor Teacher's Discovery (4008)
Country Canada
Language French
Audience Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis Verbo plays like UNO(TM). Students practice verbs and verb conjugation by laying down a card of the same verb or verb form to change suit. Just don't forget to shout "Verbo!" when you have one card left! 3-6 players. This game focuses on present tense regular, -er verbs including: travailler, regarder, preparer, parler, jouer, écouter, diner, danser, and chanter.
Dimensions 13 x 20 x 36 cm. plastic bin.
ISBN# 9780756020286
Contents 6 plastic boxes (85 cards in each).
Parts 6 boxes with cards in a 13 x 20 x 36 cm. plastic bin.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Card games; Core French; Français (Langue)—Verbe; Français (Langue); French Immersion (FRIMM); French language; Games; French Resources(CK)
Call# KT 1825
Kit 1 copy


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