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| Title
Verbo game: Present tense regular -er verbs (39983) |
| Copyrighted
| Distributor
Teacher's Discovery
| Country
| Language
| Audience
Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
| Collection
Booking Library
| | |
| Synopsis
Verbo plays like UNO(TM). Students practice verbs and verb conjugation
laying down a card of the same verb or verb form to change suit. Just
don't forget to shout "Verbo!" when you have one card left! 3-6
players. This game focuses on present tense regular, -er verbs
including: travailler, regarder, preparer, parler, jouer, écouter,
diner, danser, and chanter.
| Dimensions
13 x 20 x 36 cm. plastic bin.
| Contents
6 plastic boxes (85 cards in each).
| Parts
6 boxes with cards in a 13 x 20 x 36 cm. plastic bin.
| Guide
Guide Included
| Subjects
Card games;
Core French;
Français (Langue)Verbe;
Français (Langue);
French Immersion (FRIMM);
French language;
French Resources(CK)
| Call#
KT 1825
| Holdings
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Resources |
Reference |
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