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Argument-driven inquiry in earth and space science : lab investigations for grades 6-10 (39989)
Physical Illustrated
Audience Teacher/Professional (T)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "[Shows teachers how to use] Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) for middle and high school lab instruction . . . [Provides] an introduction into the stages of ADI—from question identification, data analysis, and argument development and evaluation to double-bind peer review and report revision . . . [Also offers a] series of 23 field-tested labs"—Back cover.
Author Sampson, Victor
Added autho Murphy, Ashley,; Lipscomb, Kemper,; Hutner, Todd
Dimensions 28 cm
ISBN# 9781681403731
Parts xxvi
Stmt Resp Victor Sampson, Ashley Murphy, Kemper Lipscomb, and Todd L. Hutner.
TitleVartn Argument-driven inquiry in earth & space science
Subjects Science Information Books(CK); Earth sciences—Problems, exercises, etc; Earth sciences—Study and teaching; Inquiry-based learning; Meteorology—Study and teaching; Outer space—Study and teaching; Teaching—Aids and devices; Hutner, Todd,—1981—-author(A); Lipscomb, Kemper,—1990—-author(A); Murphy, Ashley,—1988—-author(A)
Call# TR 372.35 SAM
Book 1 copy

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