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If I go missing (40012)
Physical Illustrated
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "When someone who looks like me goes missing—wondered 14-year-old Ojibwe teen Brianna Jonnie—why does it not get the same swift response from the police and the media as when a white person goes missing? Brianna put this question to the Chief of Police in a letter, urging them and the media to "do better" when investigating cases of missing Indigenous people. This book brings that letter to life and sheds light on the issue of missing Indigenous people from an Indigenous girl's perspective"—Back cover.
Author Jonnie, Brianna
Added autho Shingoose, Nahanni,; Shannacappo, Neal
Dimensions 22 x 25 cm
ISBN# 9781459414518
Stmt Resp text by Brianna Jonnie and Nahanni Shingoose ; art by Nshannacappo.
Subjects Violence against women; First Nations women; Canada—Race relations; First Nations women—Graphic novels; Crime—Canada—Graphic novels; Missing persons—Graphic novels; Missing persons; Shingoose, Nahanni,—author(A); Shannacappo, Neal,—illustrator(A)
Call# 362.88 JON
Book 1 copy
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