A collection of assorted poetry books, including graphic poetry, with
diverse topics.
23 x 40 x 60 cm.
1 Teacher's guide in duotang ; 86 Books : 1 A place inside of me ; 1 A
place to land ; 1 Exquisite: the poetry and life of Gwendolyn Brooks ;
1 Hill we climb, The ; 15 Hurricane/Childhood tracks ; 6 I am a
Canadian ; 15 Life doesn't frighten me/Alone ; 1 One last word ; 1
Paint me like I am ; 15 The shark/Sea-gulls ; 1 Thirteen ways of
looking at a black boy ; 6 This is a photograph of me/Girl and horse
1928 ; 1 Undefeated, The ; 15 What do I remember of the evacuation ; 1
Woke: a young poet's call to justice ; 1 Word collector, The. ; What
is Poetry? ; Life Doesn't Frighten Me ; Toes in my Nose ; The City
Speaks in Drums.
1 guide ; 86 books in a 23 x 40 x 60 cm. plastic bin.