HGEC Library Learning Commons

Spoons: Instruments [French] (40097)
Country Canada
Language French
Audience Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis This kit contains 30 wooden spoons. Take a quick YouTube tutorial on how to play the spoons and you and your students are set for a kitchen party.
Dimensions 25 x 28 x 41 cm.
Contents 30 wooden spoon instruments ; 1 guide ; 1 green sheet (QR Code).
Parts 30 spoons ; 1 guide ; 1 sheet all in a 25 x 28 x 41 cm. plastic bin.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects French Resources(CK); Music; Français (Langue); Core French; Québec (Province); French Immersion (FRIMM); Spoons (Music); French language; Quebec winter carnival; Carnaval de Québec
Call# KT 1800
Kit 1 copy


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