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| Title
Paris & France Kit (40114) |
| Copyrighted
| Country
| Language
| Audience
Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
| Collection
Booking Library
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| Synopsis
Bring the beauty and richness of France and Paris to your
| Dimensions
17 x 41 x 60 cm plastic bin.
| Contents
PART 1 : 1 French flag, 90 x 150 cm. ; 2 black and white striped
shirts ; 2 berets ; 12 Celebration Posters ; 13 Regions of France
Posters ; 4 Museums Posters ; 14 Markets Posters ; 1 Eiffel Tower
Poster ; 1 Valensole Plateau's lavender fields Poster ; 26 Regions of
France Poster Cards ; 1 Les Regions de France Title Card ; 1 3 Horses
Poster ; 2 Medieval Places Posters ; 1 QR Sheet ; 5 Pamphlets: Museum
Map, Visitor's Guide (Eiffel Tower), Pantheon Guide ; Store Guide ;
Map of Musée National Picasso-Paris
PART 2 : 1 map, 132 x 97 cm. (France Physique/Administrative).
| Parts
PART 1 : 1 flag ; 2 shirts ; 2 berets ; 75 posters ; QR code sheet ; 5
Pamphlets ; 1 book all in a 17 x 41 x 60 cm plastic bin.
PART 2 : 1 map in 112 cm. cardboard tube.
| Guide
Guide Included
| Subjects
French Immersion (FRIMM);
French Resources(CK);
French language;
Français (Langue);
Core French;
Paris (France);
Paris (France)Geography;
Paris (France)Culture
| Call#
KT 1909
| Holdings
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Resources |
Reference |
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