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My Name is Konisola [6 Books] (40161)
Physical 178 pieces
Copyrighted 2020
Distributor Second Story Press (4181)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Intermediate (JI)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "Based on a true story. On a freezing cold winter night, nine-year-old Konisola and her mother step off a plane in Canada, having left Nigeria with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They are running for their lives, having lived under the threat of violence from a controlling family member. Soon after they land, disaster strikes—Konisola's mother is hospitalized and Konisola is forced to fend for herself in a strange country with no family and no friends. Will she be allowed to stay in Canada as a refugee, or will she and her mother be sent back across the ocean? This is a story of bravery and determination, of loss, and of generosity and good will that paved the way for a new family"—Provided by publisher.
Author Siegel, Alisa
Dimensions 19 cm.
ISBN# 9781772601190
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Contents 6 books ; 1 Literature Circles guide ; 1 SD73 Resource review.
Notes Theme: Realism
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide ; 1 review all in a 41 x 31 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Written by Alisa Siegel
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Locally Reviewed Novels(CK); Historical fiction; ; Refugees; Mother-daughter relationship—Fiction; Multiculturalism; Literature Circles(CK); Personal awareness and social responsibility
Call# LIT REA 4-7
Note Locally Reviewed
Kit 1 copy
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