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Nelson Socials Classroom Kit : Grade 7 (40201)
Copyrighted 2019
Distributor Nelson Education (3942)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate (I)
Collection Booking Library
Series Nelson Socials (3438)
Synopsis This resource provides a "customized, engaging content [that] provides complete curriculum coverage of all learning standards. Active learning is encouraged through the use of a variety of sources and inquiry-based activities. Embedded curricular and core competencies support Social Studies skills and processes. Authentic First Peoples voices focuses on learning through the First Peoples and Principles of Learning. Comprehensive teaching support has been developed for easy implementation"—Publisher's website
Author Miles, James
Added autho Moase, Janice
Dimensions 28 x 28 x 41 cm. plastic container
ISBN# 9780176815639
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Contents 25 student books ; 18 single sided Student Cards (8 copies of each) ; 18 Teacher's Cards ; 3 title page cards ; 20 filing cards ; 1 Teacher's Resource ; 1 cardboard box for activity cards.
Parts 25 books ; 165 cards ; 20 filing cards ; 1 Teacher's resource ; 1 box all in a 28 x 28 x 41 cm. plastic container.
Stmt Resp Authors: James Miles, Janice Moase
Added entry Contributing authors: Kung Jaadee & Dr. Lindsay Gibson
TitleVartn Nelson Socials Classroom Kit : Grade Seven
Guide Teacher's resource included
Subjects Social Studies; Social sciences—Study and teaching; First Nations—Study and teaching; First Nations—Education; Social Studies—Ancient civilizations; Early Humans
Call# KT 0676
Kit 1 copy


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