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How I Survived Four Nights on the Ice [8 Books] (40381)
Physical 45 pieces
Copyrighted 2020
Distributor Inhabit Media (4232)
Country Canada
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "After his snowmobile breaks down halfway across the sea ice on a trip back from a fishing camp, Serapio Ittusardjuat recounts the traditional skills and knowledge he leaned on to stay alive. This harrowing first-person account of four nights spent on the open sea ice—with few supplies and no water—shows young readers the determination and strength necessary to survive in the harsh Arctic climate, even when the worst occurs"—Provided by publisher.
Author Ittusardjuat, Serapio
Added autho Hoddy, Matthew K.
Dimensions 33 x 48 cm.
ISBN# 9781772272727
Pub. Loc. Iqaluit, Nunavut
Contents 8 Books ; 1 Points of Inquiry
Notes Translation of: Annaumanasuarnirilauqtara: unnuat tisamat sikumi. Various Inuktitut words throughout this story, with a "Notes on Pronunciation" key on the last page.
Parts 8 Books ; 1 Points of Inquiry all in a 33 x 48 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp Written by Serapio Ittusardjuat ; Illustrated by Matthew K. Hoddy.
TitleVartn Four nights on the ice
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Iqaluit (Nunavut); Canadian(CK); Wilderness survival—Graphic novels; Ittusardjuat, Serapio,—1945—-Biography(A); Arctic regions—Graphic novels; First Nations—Graphic novels; Survival skills—Graphic novels; Inuit—Graphic novels; Graphic novels; Hoddy, Matthew K.,—1984—-artist(A); Biographical graphic novels; Diversity(CK); Social Studies; Aboriginal; Sciences
Call# INQ 4-9
Kit 1 copy
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