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I'm finding my talk (40452)
Physical Illustrated; 32 pages
Copyrighted 2021
Distributor Nimbus (2311)
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (PIJS)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis A response to Rita Joe's iconic poem "I Lost My Talk," and published simultaneously with the new children's book edition illustrated by Pauline Young, comes a companion picture book by....spoken-word artist and Mi'kmaw activist Rebecca Thomas. A second-generation residential school survivor, Thomas writes this response poem openly and honestly, reflecting on the process of working through the destructive effects of colonialism. From sewing regalia to dancing at powwow to learning traditional language, I'm Finding My Talk is about rediscovering her community, and finding culture.
Author Thomas, Rebecca
Added autho Young, Pauline
Dimensions 26 cm
ISBN# 9781771088114
Pub. Loc. Halifax, NS
Notes Companion to: "I lost my talk" by Rita Joe.
Parts 1 volume ()
Stmt Resp words by Rebecca Thomas ; art by Pauline Young.
TitleVartn I am finding my talk
Subjects First Nations—Poetry; Language and culture—Canada; First Nations—Residential schools—Poetry; Canada—Ethnic relations—History; Young, Pauline,—1965—-illustrator(A); Picture Books(CK); Aboriginal
Call# 811.6 THO
Book 1 copy
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