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Orange shirt day : September 30th (40561)
Physical Illustrated; 156 pages
Produced 2020
Distributor Medicine Wheel Education Inc. (4437)
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Presents a collection of resources on how to make a difference and move forward from the shameful history of the Indian residential school system in Canada.
Added autho Webstad, Phyllis,; Sorley, Joan
Dimensions 28 cm
ISBN# 9781989122433
Pub. Loc. Victoria, B.C.
Notes Cover title. "Orange Shirt Society"--Front cover. "Every Child Matters"--Front cover. Map on endpapers.
Stmt Resp edited and approved by Phyllis Webstad and Joan Sorley.
TitleVartn Orange shirt day : September thirtieth
Subjects Indigenous peoples—Canada—Government relations; First Nations—Residential schools; First Nations—Residential schools—Biography; Secwepemc (First Nations people)—Residential schools—Biography; Indigenous peoples—Canada—Residential schools—History; Orange shirt day; Webstad, Phyllis,—editor(A); Sorley, Joan,—editor(A)
Call# FN 371.829 ORA
Book 1 copy
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