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BC science physics 12 (40624)
Physical Illustrated; 278 pages
Produced 2020
Distributor Edvantage Interactive (EI)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis A custom Physics 12 program for British Columbia students. "Physics is fun when explained clearly, with multiple opportunities for hands-on experiences and practice." -Edvantage Interactive website. "BC Science Physics 12 is a print and digital [textbook] resource for classroom and independent study, aligned 100% with the BC curriculum." -page vi of BC Science Physics 12.
Author Sandner, Lionel
Added autho Gore, Gordon
Dimensions 28 cm.
ISBN# 9781772498370
Pub. Loc. [Place of publication not identified]
Stmt Resp Lionel Sandner ; Gordon Gore.
TitleVartn Physics twelve
Subjects Science—Study and teaching; Teaching—Aids and devices; Physics—Study and teaching; Physics; Physics—Problems, exercises, etc; Gore, Gordon,—author(A)
Call# 530 SAN
Book 1 copy

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