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Chemistry 12 (40631)
Physical Illustrated; 813 pages
Produced 2011
Distributor McGraw-Hill Ryerson (3675)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis A textbook to teach chemistry for grade twelve students. "Provides the depth and breadth of content to help prepare students for university. Student-directed activities and investigations provide hands-on opportunities to develop essential science skills." -Nelson website.
Author Clancy, Christina
Dimensions 29 cm.
ISBN# 9780071060103
Pub. Loc. Toronto, Ontario
Notes Includes index.
Stmt Resp Christina Clancy [and others].
TitleVartn Chemistry twelve
Subjects Science—Study and teaching; Chemistry—Study and teaching; Teaching—Aids and devices; Chemistry; Chemistry—Problems, exercises, etc
Call# 540 CLA
Book 1 copy
Reference Users of this title also used:
Argument-driven inquiry in chemistry : lab investigations for grades 9-12 (39987)
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BC science chemistry 12 (40623)

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