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Elvis, Me, and the Lemonade Stand Summer (40675)
Physical 202 pages
Produced 2021
Distributor DCB (5152)
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "It's the summer of 1978 and most people think Elvis Presley has been dead for a year. But eleven-year-old Truly knows Elvis is alive and well and living in her trailer park. It's a busy summer. Though Truly's mother is constantly drinking, smoking, and juggling new boyfriends, Truly is determined to raise money for herself through her lemonade stand, and to prove that her cool new neighbor is the King of Rock 'n' Roll. And when she can't find motherly support in her own home, she finds sanctuary with Andy El, the Salish woman who runs the trailer park."—Provided by publisher.
Author Gentile, Leslie
Dimensions 21 cm
ISBN# 9781770866157
Pub. Loc. Toronto, Ontario
LCCN PZ7.1.G4714 El 2021
Stmt Resp Leslie Gentile.
TitleVartn Elvis, me, & the lemonade stand summer
Subjects First Nations—Fiction; Family life—Fiction; Mother-daughter relationship—Fiction; Vancouver Island (B.C.)—Fiction; First Nations—Reservations—Fiction; Presley, Elvis,—1935-1977—Sightings—Fiction(A); Aboriginal
Book 1 copy
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