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The Assessment of Functional Living Skills Kit (40936)
Physical 47 pieces
Copyrighted 2012
Distributor Behavior Analysts Inc. (BAI)
Country Canada
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (PIJS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis The AFLS is a modified program, which means students are not accessing the BC Curriculum. The Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS) is an assessment, skills tracking system, and curriculum guide for the development of essential skills for achieving independence. It can be used to demonstrate a learner's current functional skill repertoire and provide tracking information for the progressive development of these skills throughout the lifespan. The AFLS contains task analyses of many of the skills essential for participation in a wide range of family, community, and work environments and can be used simultaneously with the ABLLS-R.
Author Dr. James Partington, BCBA-D, and Dr. Michael Mueller, BCBA-D.
Dimensions 16 x 27 x 43 cm.
ISBN# 9780984704873
Pub. Loc. Walnut Creek, CA
Contents 7 Books
Notes This Kit is to be used by LAT's.
Parts 7 Books: Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol, The Assessment of Functional Living Skills Guide, Home Skills Assessment Protocol, Independent Living Skills Assessment Protocol, School Skills Assessment Protocol, Community Participation Skills Assessment Protocol, Vocational Skills Assessment Protocol all in a 16 x 27 x 43 cm. clear plastic bin with a blue lid.
Stmt Resp Written by James Partington & Michael Mueller
Subjects Mueller, Michael M.,—author(A); Life skills—Study and teaching; Autism—Life skills guides; Educational evaluation; Social skills—Study and teaching; Inclusive education; Autism—Study and teaching; Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System; People with disabilities—Life skills guides
Call# KT 1961
Kit 1 copy
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