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CVC word families and sight words : volume 1 : 15 different word families (40969)
Physical Illustrated; 130 pages
Produced 2006
Distributor Heidi Butkus (4741)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis The CVC book was designed to give children more practice reading words that have the "consonant-vowel-consonant" spelling pattern. These types of words are supposed to be "easy" for children to read, however, children often need extended practice in sounding out these three letter words in order to feel comfortable with them. They also need a chance to practice them within the context of the sight words that they are learning.
Author Butkus, Heidi.
Dimensions 28 cm.
ISBN# 9781938553172
Pub. Loc. La Verne, Calif
Notes "Flashcards, worksheets and sound shorts for short vowels". "Grades preK-2"--cover.
Parts []
Stmt Resp by Heidi Butkus.
TitleVartn Word families and sight words
Subjects Reading readiness; Reading—Study and teaching; Reading—Problems, exercises, etc
Call# 428.4 BUT
Book 1 copy
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