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Firekeeper's daughter (41173)
Physical 494 pages
Produced 2021
Distributor Henry Holt & Company (HHC)
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "Daunis, who is part Ojibwe, defers attending the University of Michigan to care for her mother and reluctantly becomes involved in the investigation of a series of drug-related deaths"—OCLC.
Author Boulley, Angeline
Dimensions 24 cm
Edition First edition.
ISBN# 9781250766564
Pub. Loc. New York
Notes "Reese's YA book club"--Dust jacket.
Stmt Resp Angeline Boulley.
TitleVartn Fire keeper's daughter
Subjects Family life—Fiction; Mystery fiction; Ojibwa (First Nations people)—Fiction; Native Americans—Fiction; Crime—Fiction; Racially mixed people—Fiction; Criminal investigation—Fiction; Drugs—Fiction; Michigan—Fiction; Aboriginal; English/Language Arts
Note FER Approved.
Book 1 copy
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