HGEC Library Learning Commons

Stealing home [6 Books] (41264)
Physical 111 pieces
Copyrighted 2021
Distributor Kids Can Press (3623)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "Sandy Saito looks back to his childhood in 1940s Vancouver, when he was eight years old. He's a happy kid: he goes to school, reads comic books and is obsessed with baseball—especially the Asahi baseball team, the pride of the Japanese-Canadian community. Then the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor—and everything changes. The kids Sandy used to play with every day now call him names and chase him from the playground. He and his family are no longer permitted to go outside at night or visit certain areas of the city. Japanese-Canadians are stripped of their rights, their jobs and their homes, and soon the government begins to round up Japanese families, sending them to internment camps. It isn't long before Sandy's family is among them"—
Author Torres, J.
Dimensions 30 x 40 cm.
ISBN# 9781525303340
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Contents 6 books ; 1 literature circles guide ; 1 focused education review
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide ; 1 review all in a clear 30 x 40 cm. plastic bag.
Stmt Resp written by J. Torres
Added entry illustrated by David Namisato
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Racism—Graphic novels; Social Studies; Arts Education(CK); Historical graphic novels; Japanese Canadians—Evacuation and Relocation, 1942-1945—Graphic Nove; Forced migration—Graphic novels; English/Language Arts; Canada—History—Graphic novels; Vancouver Asahi (Baseball team)—Graphic novels(A); Japanese Canadians—Social conditions—Graphic novels; World War, 1939-1945—Graphic novels; Literature Circles(CK)
Call# LIT SUR 4-7
Note FER Approved.
Kit 1 copy
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