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The night diary (41266)
Physical Not Applicable; 264 pages
Produced 2019
Distributor Puffin Books (1155)
Audience Intermediate, Junior High (IJ)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Shy twelve-year-old Nisha, forced to flee her home with her Hindu family during the 1947 partition of India, tries to find her voice and make sense of the world falling apart around her by writing to her deceased Muslim mother in the pages of her diary.
Author Hiranandani, Veera
Dimensions 20 cm
ISBN# 9780735228528
Pub. Loc. New York
Stmt Resp Veera Hiranandani.
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Family life—Fiction; Mother-daughter relationship—Fiction; Diaries—Fiction; Refugees—Fiction; Muslims—Fiction; Hindus—Fiction; India—History—1947—-Fiction; Social Studies; Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity(CK); English/Language Arts
Note FER Approved.
Book 1 copy
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