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Motorcycles & sweetgrass : a novel (41270)
Physical 348 pages
Produced 2011
Distributor Vintage Canada (4331)
Audience Junior High, Senior High (JS)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis Maggie Second is the chief of the community in central Ontario and her mother, Lillian, is dying. When the old woman summonds a handsome white stranger who has come to town, and only known to her, she charges him with a mission to help the people she loves the most, her daugher and grandson, Virgil. Maggie finds herself increasingly enamoured with the handsome young White man, but Virgil, is less than enchanted. With the help of his uncle, Wayne they will try and drive the stranger from the reserve.
Author Taylor, Drew Hayden
Dimensions 21 cm.
Edition Vintage Canada ed., 2011.
ISBN# 9780307398062 (pbk.)
Pub. Loc. Toronto
Notes Battle of the Books, Gr. 10/12, 2022-2023.
Stmt Resp Drew Hayden Taylor.
TitleVartn Motorcycles and sweetgrass
Subjects First Nations—Fiction; Humorous fiction; Ojibwa (First Nations people)—Fiction; Aboriginal; English/Language Arts
Note FER Approved.
Book 1 copy
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