HGEC Library Learning Commons

The undercover book list (41343)
Physical 258 pages
Produced 2022
Distributor Pajama Press (4184)
Audience Primary, Intermediate, Junior High (PIJ)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "An anonymous correspondence between two seventh graders becomes an unlikely friendship after they start leaving notes in a school library book. Bookish Jane MacDonald is seeking a new friend after her best friend Sienna moves away; reputed troublemaker Tyson Flamand stumbles upon the first note while waiting for a detention. Both end up in a race to improve Tyson's grades—and their teachers' understanding of him—so that he can help complete the school team for Jane's cherished Kid Lit Quiz competition and win a trip to the championship in Sienna's new city"—Provided by publisher.
Author Nelson, Colleen
Dimensions 21 cm
ISBN# 9781772782639
Pub. Loc. Toronto, ON
Stmt Resp by Colleen Nelson.
Subjects Friendship—Fiction; Secrets—Fiction; Helping behavior—Fiction; Identity (Psychology)—Fiction; School libraries—Fiction; English/Language Arts
Book 1 copy

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