HGEC Library Learning Commons

Hugo and the Impossible Thing (41358)
Physical Illustrated; 40 pages
Produced 2021
Distributor Flamingo Books (5062)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis All the forest animals know it is impossible to make it through the Impossible Thing, but a small dog named Hugo is determined to try, inspiring hope in his friends.
Author Smith, Renée Felice
Added autho Gabriel, Chris,; Hanson, Sydney
Dimensions 27 cm
ISBN# 9780593204634
Pub. Loc. New York
LCCN PZ7.1.S6545 Hug 2021
Parts 1 volume (unpaged)
Stmt Resp by Renée Felice Smith & Chris Gabriel ; illustrated by Sydney Hanson.
TitleVartn Hugo & the Impossible Thing
Subjects Friendship—Fiction; Forest animals—Fiction; Perseverance—Fiction; Hope—Fiction; Gabriel, Chris,—author(A); Hanson, Sydney,—illustrator(A); Picture Books(CK); Language arts (Primary)
Call# E SMI
Book 1 copy
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