HGEC Library Learning Commons

Maybe (41360)
Physical Illustrated; 40 pages
Produced 2019
Distributor Compendium, Inc (5174)
Audience Primary (P)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "You are the only you there every has been or ever will be. You are unique. Just the odds of you being here at this exact place and this exact time are so great and so rare that they will never happen again. This is a story for everything you will do and everything you could be. It's for who you are right now, and it's for all the magical, unbounded potential you hold inside"—Provided by publisher.
Author Yamada, Kobi
Added autho Barouch, Gabriella
Dimensions 32 cm
ISBN# 9781946873750
Pub. Loc. Seattle, WA
Parts 1 volume (unpaged)
Stmt Resp written by Kobi Yamada ; illustrated by Gabriella Barouch.
Subjects Self-realization—Fiction; Creative ability—Fiction; Individuality—Fiction; Self-confidence—Fiction; Barouch, Gabriella,—1985—-illustrator(A); Picture Books(CK); Language arts (Primary)
Call# E YAM
Book 1 copy
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