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Motorcycles & sweetgrass : a novel [6 copies] (41370)
Physical 348 pieces
Copyrighted 2010
Distributor Penguin modern classics edition (PMCE)
Country Canada
Audience Senior High (S)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "Otter Lake is a sleepy Anishnawbe community where little happens. Until the day a handsome stranger pulls up astride a 1953 Indian Chief motorcycle—and turns Otter Lake completely upside down. Maggie, the Reserve's chief, is swept off her feet, but Virgil, her teenage son, is less than enchanted. Suspicious of the stranger's intentions, he teams up with his uncle Wayne—a master of aboriginal martial arts—to drive the stranger from the Reserve. And it turns out that the raccoons are willing to lend a hand"—Provided by publisher.
Author Taylor, Drew Hayden
Dimensions 31 x 40 cm.
ISBN# 9781039000612
Pub. Loc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Contents 6 books ; 1 literature circles guide ; 1 focused education review
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide ; 1 review all in a 31 x 40 cm. clear plastic bag.
Stmt Resp written by Drew Hayden Taylor
Guide Guide Included
Subjects First Nations—Fiction; Literature Circles(CK); Aboriginal; Ojibwa(First Nations people)—Fiction; Humorous fiction; English/Language Arts
Call# LIT REA 11-12
Note FER Approved.
Kit 3 copies
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