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The stories were not told : Canada's First World War internment camps [6 Books] (41460)
Physical 247 pieces
Copyrighted 2019
Distributor University of Alberta (2440)
Country Canada
Audience Intermediate, Junior High, Senior High (IJS)
Collection Booking Library
Synopsis "From 1914 to 1920, thousands of men who had immigrated to Canada from the Austro-Hungarian Empire were imprisoned as "enemy aliens," many with their families. Most were Ukrainians; almost all were civilians. The Stories Were Not Told presents this largely unrecognized event through photography, cultural theory, and personal testimony, including stories told at last by internees and their descendants. Semchuk describes how lives and society have been shaped by acts of legislated racism and how to move toward greater reconciliation, remembrance, and healing. This is necessary reading for anyone seeking to understand the cross-cultural and intergenerational consequences of Canada's first internment camps."— Provided by publisher.
Author Semchuk, Sandra
Dimensions 33 x 48 cm.
ISBN# 9781772123784
Pub. Loc. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Contents 6 books ; 1 literature circles guide
Parts 6 books ; 1 guide all in a 33 x 48 cm. clear plastic bag.
Stmt Resp written by Sandra Semchuk
Guide Guide Included
Subjects Social Studies; Canada.—Canadian Army—History—World War, 1914-1918(A); Literature Circles(CK); English/Language Arts; Concentration camps; Canada—History—20th century
Call# LIT HIS 8-12
Kit 1 copy

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