HGEC Library Learning Commons

Berani (41466)
Physical Not Applicable; 211 pages
Produced 2022
Distributor Pajama Press (4184)
Audience Primary, Intermediate (PI)
Collection Professional Library
Synopsis "Perspectives of two Indonesian middle-schoolers and a caged orangutan entwine. Wealthy Malia faces the consequences of disobediently circulating an anti-palm-oil petition at her school, resulting in suspensions for herself, her best friend, and her teacher. Ari, fortunate to be plucked from his impoverished village to attend school and compete in chess tournaments, helps the uncle who is hosting him but worries about Ginger Juice, the orangutan his uncle keeps in a cage. When Ari learns about orangutan rehabilitation centers from Malia's petition, the young people unite to plot a rescue"-Provided by publisher.
Author Kadarusman, Michelle
Dimensions 21 cm
Edition First edition.
ISBN# 9781772782608
Pub. Loc. Toronto, Ontario
Stmt Resp by Governor General's award finalist Michelle Kadarusman.
Subjects Rain forests—Fiction; Middle schools—Fiction; Indonesia—Fiction; Wildlife conservation—Fiction; Environmentalists—Fiction; Orangutans—Fiction; Chess—Fiction; English/Language Arts
Book 1 copy
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